You know you should be making content for social media, but you don’t know how or where to start. You’re worried that your content will be boring or uninteresting, but you don’t have a plan in place for when that happens anyway. You’re not having fun trying to come up with content for social media and because of this it’s starting to feel like a chore instead of something exciting.
And if all this isn’t enough – oh yeah…you can’t keep up with the latest trends! How does one overcome these obstacles? Well luckily you’re not alone in this. Here are 5 reasons you are getting stuck creating social media content.
But what happens when you try to create content for social media but end up with something bland or unoriginal? It’s never fun for anyone involved—except perhaps your competitors! Luckily, there are some simple steps you can take right now to improve your chances of making great content.
1. You have Too Many Ideas
You want to make great content, but you can’t decide what to do.
It seems like there are endless options and ideas out there for social media content, but once you start thinking about how to actually create the content, it becomes overwhelming.
There are so many things that could be said about your business and its products or services that you can’t decide which ones deserve attention. In fact, if you tried to write about all of them at once, they’d just get confused with one another in a mess of information overload (and no one likes a messy blog). So instead of writing about everything, focus on one topic and make sure it’s really good before moving on to something else.
Here are a few ways you could narrow down your ideas:
Find a topic that you like. But be careful—you don’t want to choose something just because it’s interesting to you, otherwise the writing will be boring. Instead, choose a topic that’s interesting and relevant for your audience (and also happens to be interesting and relevant for you).
Think of what people in your industry or niche might want to know more about. If there’s a gap in their knowledge around this topic, then it could make a great piece of content.
Poll your audience and ask them what they are interested in learning more about or the type of content they enjoy seeing on your platforms.
2. You're Too Busy Reacting to Everything Else
If you’re a business owner, it can be hard to find time to create content. You might be too busy trying to keep up with all the other things on your plate:
Being the boss
Managing employees
Making sure your business is running smoothly (and doing everything else that comes along with owning a company)
But by not doing social media marketing, you’re missing out on the opportunity for more leads, sales and clients. If you don’t make social media a priority in your business plan and strategy, then whatever time it does take from other areas of your job will be wasted effort.
3. You Don't Have Time to Learn How to Write
There’s a lot of pressure on social media content creators to be able to write well, and it can feel like you’re skills are not up to par. But don’t worry! It’s okay that you aren’t a great writer or don’t have time for learning how to write better. Your audience will respond to originality and genuine interactions. Don’t worry about learning the craft of writing—just share what comes naturally!
Remember that it doesn’t matter how well-written something is if the person reading it doesn’t know they need something until you tell them! You can make great content even if it isn’t perfect grammar-wise or worded exactly right; just make sure there are no spelling mistakes and people will still appreciate what they see from you!
4. You're Worried Your Content Will Be Boring or Uninteresting
Don’t worry about being boring! If you’re sharing something of value to the people who follow you, they won’t care how interesting it is. They want their problem solved and they want it now, so don’t worry about making an entertaining video just yet. You’ll get there eventually, but first focus on providing quality information in an easy-to-consume format that helps them solve their problem as quickly as possible.
And if your content isn’t very fun for you to create? That’s okay too! You don’t have to force yourself into doing something if it doesn’t make sense for who you are and what makes sense for your audience (more on this later).
5. You Can't Keep Up with the Trends
It’s impossible to keep up with the latest social media trends, but you can make sure you’re not left behind. But here’s the thing: if you’re going to succeed in this industry, you need to be able to stay on top of what’s happening right now.
Use tools like Google Alerts or Social Mention to monitor which keywords people are using most often on social media channels. This will let you see what topics are trending across different networks at any given time so that you can take advantage of them if they sound relevant to your business’s interests.
Pick the trends that resonate with your brand and your message.
Keep an eye on competitors. You don’t need to obsess over it, but it’s good practice to stay informed about what other businesses are doing in your field—especially if they’re doing something better than you are!
If you’re struggling with creating great content for social media, don’t worry. It seems like a lot, but it’s actually not that hard if you break it down into smaller steps and just focus on the next one. And I can help you with that process.