What’s Your Social Media Strategy? A Quick Guide to Planning Your SMM Marketing.

If your company is on social media, chances are you’ve already thought about how to use it effectively. If you haven’t, it’s time to get started! Whether you’re wondering how to create a social media strategy for your brand or the best way to approach an existing one, we’ve got the answers. This guide will help you understand the value of social media marketing (SMM), how it can be used to grow your business and why every small business needs an SMM strategy.

Understand your goals.

When you’re starting a new social media campaign, it’s important to know what your goals are ahead of time. That way, when you’re putting together a strategy for your SMM plan, it will be much easier to achieve those goals.

Before we get into the nitty-gritty details of how to create an effective SMM marketing plan (which we’ll cover in later sections), let’s take a minute to talk about some high-level things that will affect your success:

  • Know your business goals. These are the metrics that matter most to your business and its brand. They could include anything from reaching more customers through advertising or increasing brand awareness among certain groups of people (like millennials).

  • Know your target audience. Do they use social media? What channels do they prefer? Is there any information about this on Google Analytics or other data sources? Use this information as much as possible when creating content for them!

Review your analytics.

You should be regularly reviewing your analytics for each of your social media platforms. Analytics will help you measure your social media strategy and see what is working, what isn’t, and how to improve it.

Here are some ways you can use analytics to make improvements:

  • If a post has received a lot of engagement on Instagram, but not much elsewhere, consider posting it on Facebook or LinkedIn as well!

  • If you’re reaching lots of people but aren’t getting many likes or shares, try changing up the text or images in the post.

Review your keywords.

With all of the things that you have to keep track of, it can be easy to forget about your keywords.

Keywords are words people search for in order to find information about your business. They’re also used by search engines like Google and Bing to rank your website. This means that the better you optimize your site for certain keywords (through on-page SEO), the higher it will appear in organic search results!

When you’re creating content on social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest (to name a few), remember that keyword research might help increase engagement with an audience by making sure they don’t miss out on relevant content.

Review your competitor's strategy.

You should also be aware of your competitors’ social media strategy. This can be done through a number of ways, such as:

  • Searching for their brand name on the platform and looking at the content they post.

  • Using social media analytics services to see what posts are performing well for them, or using a tool like Google Analytics to see how much traffic is coming from each channel (although this won’t tell you what’s driving that traffic).

  • Reviewing old blog posts/social media updates from other companies in your industry (this will help you identify any common mistakes or areas where there is room for improvement).

Review what social media platforms are right for your business.

The social media platforms you choose will depend on your business and its goals. For example, if you run a small e-commerce business that sells balloons, Instagram may be right for you because of the amount of visual content posted there. In this case, it would be better to use Facebook or Twitter for blog posts and promotions about deals or new products. Make sure to consider the following factors when choosing which platform is best for your company:

  • Target audience: Who are your customers? Do they spend time on specific platforms? Knowing where they are can help guide your planning process.

  • Relevance: You want to pick a platform that’s relevant to what people in your industry are doing online so that they’ll see value from following you there. For example, if most companies in your industry have Instagram accounts but not Facebook accounts (or vice versa), then Instagram may be more relevant than Facebook for connecting with those potential customers.

Set up a content calendar that includes all of your social media accounts.

One of the most important things to do when planning your social media strategy is to create a content calendar. A content calendar is a schedule that includes all of your posts for each social media account, in addition to any other marketing materials that you’ll be using (such as emails). It helps you organize everything so that you’re not scrambling at the last minute, and it makes sure that everyone on your team knows what they need to be doing.

Setting up a content calendar takes time and effort, but it will pay off in the long run. Here are some tips:

  • Set aside time each week or month to plan out what types of posts will go up on each platform over the next few weeks or months. Come up with ideas based on what has worked well before and what hasn’t worked so well before (if there’s been no response, try something new!).

  • Create separate templates for each type of post—for example: a link post template might have different fields for URL, title tagline/description line 1, description line 2/CTA button text—and fill them out accordingly when creating new posts from the template so everything stays consistent across all platforms where possible!


Social media marketing is a very powerful tool. It’s important to know what your strategy is and how it will help you grow your business. If you don’t have a plan yet, use this guide as inspiration for creating one.

It’s important to know what your strategy is and how it will help you grow your business. If you don’t have a plan yet, use this guide as inspiration for creating one. Still not sure you know how to start? Let’s chat about your social media strategy.

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